This corner is specially dedicated to all of you have something to share about Céline Dion with all other fans around the world. You can send me your picture (if you'd like) and the history in your own language, and if you have a way to translate to one of our 4 different languages, don't hesitate, send us :-)
The articles will be published according to its arrival time. Doesn't matter if it has happened before or after one or another. Just send it to us and share your feelings :-)
This is my trip to Canada. Why could you feel interested on it? Besides it was
my very first trip outsite Brazil, it was the very first time I saw Céline Dion
singing Live. [English]
[Português] [chinese]
issue's date: Sep 25th 1999
To never let it die... here's an article about the Millenium's concert. [English]
issue's date: January 3rd 2000
Here's a fan-meeting which toke place in Germany. Related by our friend/translator
Stefanie Spindler. [English]
issue's date: December 3rd 2000
4) The Translation of the Michel Druker's interview quite before René Charles was born [Português]
Here's my friends and I on a very crazy trip to Montréal, just for Céline Dion!
Issue's date: October 7th
Our french translator´s trip at the Millenium concert [english]
Issue´s date: Jan 4th 2002
Here´s the review from the CBS Special Taping, where i went together with
a very nice friend, and it gave me the chance of meeting Céline [English]
Issue´s date: March 6th 2002
8) Visit our Las
Vegas Section and read reviews from A NEW DAY's Concert written by some fellow
fans in [Portugues]
Since April 2003
9) Our Fan Meeting
in Montreal, on Celine's Birthday, on March 30th 2003. [English]
Issue's date: April 15th 2003
Christa went
to Paris and wrote a short story on it. It's cool and has pictures of Céline. [English]
Issue's Date: October 12th 2005